Kintsugi me canvas.JPG

I sat trying to figure out which and how many images I would use for the series premiere.
After a lot of overthinking, and a little BSing, I acknowledged the fact that I knew what image I was supposed to use for the premiere.

On June 15th, 2018 I was run over by a car. It dragged me a bit and when I woke up, I was pinned underneath it.
That was a very interesting experience. There are so many beautiful realizations that have come from this experience, but that’s a completely different entry for another time.
The healing process though, has been a completely separate experience (which we’ll talk about now) that has taught me that patience is not only a virtue, it is a truth we must face. Patience is essentially the understanding that we have no control of anything. Anyway, one of the things that I was told, was that I should keep some of the contusions away from the sunlight because the pigment/melanin was gone and the sun would discolor those areas. My face was pretty banged up in the accident and there are definitely residual affects. since that time (which feels like forever… but patience…) I mostly keep my head covered, which leaves me walking around looking like an OG pirate.

The amazing thing, is that the perspective I have been blessed to receive from this experience, has helped a lot of the people that I’ve had conversations with. Even more impactful than me telling people what happened for me on June 15th, is showing them the scars I was left with. That usually elicits an “Oh my God, that was pretty serious.”.
That, is important.

Seeing the scars gives a weight to our conversation that does not exist without the credentials of experience.

This is Kintsugi You.

We are celebrating our experiences. Proof that we have endured, persevered.
I knew I needed to put a “selfie” in the show.

It took a while. I meditated on what I wanted to say. I needed to be in the right frame of mind. I don’t necessarily like being in front of the camera, but the entire point of being given the opportunity to come out of the other side of a life threatening experience is to share what we’ve learned.

So here it is.

Put on display last night and celebrating these scars.

(Recap part one)

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