Good morning!!! 
Spent some time with my friend Monet this past weekend.  She is somewhat of an anomaly.  She was on a reality television show called Married at First Sight.  Without going into a bunch of detail regarding the show itself, I just want to say, she didn't get on TV and act absolutely crazy.  ...Which has become an epidemic.  When these reality shows get a hold of women, they promote and encourage "drama" and misbehavior (yeah, that's a nice way to put it, misbehavior).  

 My personal opinion is that this is a market completely driven by falsely manufactured demand.  I would rather not see people on television genuinely having "the most traumatic experiences of their entire lives" (... and brunch) every week, but somehow, I watch if it's on.  More than that, I somehow develop a genuine interest.  Funny, I have been on reality television before.  I know that it is far from reality.  Between editing in post production and staging things during production, there are few natural actions that are not coaxed.  But we believe, even if only "kinda".  

Anyway, that is to say, I DO feel that these reality shows are a proper representation of life.  Just not the healthy aspects.  That is my problem.  Everything in my life is not for public consumption.  Everyone has drama, but when we take responsibility for ourselves, we start to realize that we have an impact on the world around us.  It is like a "carbon footprint" on the behavioral environment.  That is not our everyday.  It is the exact opposite of how we are on an interview.  Putting your best face out there for people to see is NOT a lie.  It is actually expected.  So the formula for successful TV was unlocked.   People behaving badly.  

Monet however handled it like art.  Knowing that she is a representation of so many things, she did her best to be the good face for them.  No crazy behavior,  no aggressive behavior, just a cool person.  That is not the norm.  Somehow, when you get on TV, there is an unspoken, almost unnoticed validation that says "this person is special, better than most, and you should look up to them".   Some people can get past that.  Some understand that 'celebrity' is not something that makes one better than another.  But the  majority, the masses hear that unspoken validation loud and clear.  Monet did an amazing job!!!  She embodies 'do it your own way'  

It needs to be applauded.  

Thanks Monet.  
