It’s been a long time coming.
I have been in mental anguish over how best to present my ideas.
My art is my opinion; as such, it’s subjective and that’s just unsettling.
It has basically paralyzed my ability to express myself in many cases.
I guess it would make sense to explain a bit of my personal philosophies at this point.
I believe that we are made with the DNA of God.
I am to understand, through scriptures that I study, that God, is complete with six supreme opulences.
• Beauty
• Fame
• Wealth
• Strength
• Wisdom & Intelligence
• Renunciation
This kinda makes me understand the ideas I have of myself a little better! HA!
And truth be told, tapping into the DNA of the supreme creator has left many an artist feeling the effects of that very powerful creative energy.
I see the imbalance. I feel it.
The desire, possession and obsession with these opulences leaves one really pushing the boundaries of our limited states of being.
Ok, this is getting a little deep, but, the point is, MY imbalance comes from the lack of renunciation.
The idea that as we create, we have to allow everyone the free will to experience us on their terms.
As I am writing this I am wondering how you’ll perceive me. How you’ll perceive this.
Frozen. Stuck. Paralyzed, my art and expression was stagnant.
cuz… That helps no one.
So here we are at the introduction to
Our opinions expressed in art form.
I am trying to create a place that resonates my mission statement but in the current social global climate I have to expect that not everyone will agree with me. I have to be ok with that… and that is tough.
BUT… God created the universe and all of us.
then, gave us all the free will to destroy our environment, mistreat one another and disavow any and all recognition of the existence of God.
So… I mean…
I should at least try my hand at being renounced to the ideas that someone’s scrutinizing ideas will truly affect me. (after all, I definitely criticized Lebron, from my couch, and it NEVER stopped him from being pretty damned amazing.)
Thoughtfully presented works residing at the intersection of artistic expression.
Please make it your home to relax for a few and experience our thoughts and ideas.